1996 Heavenly Holidays col |
1997 In cupid's garden col |
1998 Holiday Cherub col |
1999 Holiday prayer col |
2000 Holiday Cherub col |
2001 Gardian Cherub col |
2004 Cherub With Tree col |
2006 2006 Cherub col |
2007 2007 Cherub col |
2009 2009 Cherub col |
BR-6 The Teacher col |
BS-4 The Locket col |
I-1 Bumblebee col |
I-2 Gold Butterfly col |
LL-3 lady of the thread col |
LL-8 County Fair col |
LS-1 New born Joy col |
LS-2 Bedtime Friends col |
LS-3 Crescent Dreams col |
LS-4 On Grandmother's Quilt col |
LS-5 Rosebud Lullaby col |
LS-6 Moonlight Lullaby col |
MD-001 Damask Roses col |
MD-002 Fairy Moon col |
MD-003 The Rose of Sharon col |
MD-004 Garden Verses col |
MD-005 Sleeping Beauty col |
MD-006 Christmas Elegance col |
MD-007 Fairy Flora col |
MD-008 The Dreamer col |
MD-009 My Lady's Garden col |
MD-010 Elizabeth and the Lavender Sky col |
MD-011 Mother's Arms col |
MD-012 The Kiss col |
MD-013 Winter Queen col |
MD-014 English Roses col |
MD-015 Santa's Magic col |
MD-016 The Baby Boat col |
MD-017 Stone Roses col |
MD-018 Blooming Bride col |
MD-019 Deco Spirits col |
MD-020 Fairy Tales col |
MD-021 Fairy Idyll col |
MD-022 Summer Queen col |
MD-023 Rose Celebration col |
MD-024 Christmas Flourishes col |
MD-025 Angel Proclamation col |
MD-026 Mermaid of the Pearls col |
MD-027 Millennium Angel col |
MD-028 Crystal Christmas col |
MD-029 Snow Days col |
MD-030 Midsummer Night's Fairy col |
MD-031 Giggles in the Snow col |
MD-032 Under the Friendship Tree col |
MD-033 Touching the Autumn Sky col |
MD-034 Spring Queen col |
MD-035 Waiting for Ships col |
MD-036 Savannah's Curtsy col |
MD-037 Three For Tea col |
MD-038 Titania, Queen of the Fairies col |
MD-039 Villa Mirabilia col |
MD-040 Ashley's Roses col |
MD-041 Adia The Garden Fairy col |
MD-042 Deepest Love col |
MD-043 Enchanted Dreamer col |
MD-044 Garden Muses col |
MD-045 Autumn Queen col |
MD-046 Le Nouveau Sampler col |
MD-047 April's Blue Diamond col |
MD-048 Rose Arbour col |
MD-049 Gathering Eggs col |
MD-050 Summer In My Garden col |
MD-051 The Seaside Kingdom col |
MD-052 June's Pearl Fairy col |
MD-053 Spring In My Garden col |
MD-054 The Scent of Old Roses col |
MD-055 Mother's Bliss col |
MD-056 May's Emerald Fairy col |
MD-057 The Queen Mermaid col |
MD-058 Queen of Peace col |
MD-059 July's Amethyst Fairy col |
MD-060 The Blossom Harvest col |
MD-061 Christmas Wishes col |
MD-062 The Lady of the Flag col |
MD-063 The Cottage Garden Fairy col |
MD-064 Queen of Freedom col |
MD-065 Angel of the New Dawn col |
MD-066 Fairie Treasures col |
MD-067 The Woodland Fairy col |
MD-068 Winter in my Garden col |
MD-069 Cinderella col |
MD-070 Maidens of the Seasons I col |
MD-071 Shimmering Mermaid col |
MD-072 Guardian Angel col |
MD-073 Caring Wings col |
MD-074 Maidens of the Seasons II col |
MD-075 Butterfly Fairy col |
MD-076 Ring Around the Rose Tree col |
MD-077 Emerald Mermaid col |
MD-078 Royal Holiday col |
MD-079 Madonna of the Garden col |
MD-080 Lilly of the Woods col |
MD-081 Archangel col |
MD-082 The Petal Fairy col |
MD-083 The Feather Fairy col |
MD-084 Enchanted Mermaid col |
MD-085 Mermaids of the Deep Blue col |
MD-086 Garden Beauty col |
MD-087 The Forest Goddess col |
MD-088 The Stargazer col |
MD-089 The Bliss Fairy col |
MD-090 White Christmas col |
MD-091 Autumn In My Garden col |
MD-092 South Seas Mermaid col |
MD-093 Lady of the Mist col |
MD-094 Crystal Symphony col |
MD-095 Mermaid of Atlantis col |
MD-096 November Topaz Fairy col |
MD-097 Athena (Goddess of Wisdom) col |
MD-098 Bluebeard's Princess col |
MD-099 Venetian Opulence col |
MD-100 Winter White Santa col |
MD-101 Circle of Friends col |
MD-102 Mediterranean Mermaid col |
MD-103 Shakespeare's Fairies col |
MD-104 Day Nymph col |
MD-105 Night Nymph col |
MD-107 Pixie couture collection col |
MD-108 Pixie couture collection col |
NC-001 Fairy Roses col |
NC-002 Fairy Roses col |
NC-101 Emerald_dragonfly col |
NC-103 Portrait_lauren_blue col |
NC-104 Portrait of Caroline in pink col |